Let us bake your dreams come true! We are happy to offer our sweet cart for a variety of local events! From birthdays to weddings, we are experts in catering for groups of all sizes. Get in touch with a member of our team today to see what we can prepare for you.
BASIC | $500
Feeds 20-50 people. A total of 150 sweets. Choose 6 kind of sweets from the menu.
SILVER | $950
Feeds 100-200 people. A total of 300 sweets. Choose 9 kind of sweets from the menu.
GOLD | $1,850
Feeds 300-400 people. A total of 600 sweets. Choose 12 kind of sweets from the menu.
Click the button below to look at our full menu of sweets available to add onto the cart! Click the gallery button to see the full image gallery of the cart at events.

We are happy to offer our cotton candy machine to make your events sweeter! Our cotton candy machine can be rented on its own or with one of our carts. Click the button below for a price/menu list.

Our pink cart is available to swap our classic white one with. All package prices are the same with this option. If you prefer this option, let us know you want the pink cart when you book the sweet cart!

Our small business friends and partners over at Nite Glow offer a variety of rentals for parties. Their fun glowing products for every occasion include bars, shot wheels, etc. Inquire with them below!